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Live Blog: Donna Fogle at NAHU Annual Legislative Conference

By The Bailey Group Marketing
Published February 24, 2014

Donna Fogle in front of Ander Crenshaw's office

Donna Fogle, Account Executive at The Bailey Group, attended the annual legislative conference for the National Association of Health Underwriters, which started Monday, February 24 and wrapped up on Wednesday, February 26 in Washington, D.C. She represented the top one percent and most influential professionals in the industry.

Ms. Fogle attended meetings on Capitol Hill with Senators, Representatives and their staff and she shared her experiences at the conference this week through her live blog.

*Most recent updates will be shown towards the top of the post.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Donna Fogle with Congressman Ted Yoho

12:58 PM – “Just had a great visit on Capitol Hill with Congressman Ted Yoho. As a small business owner, he understands many of the challenges that small businesses face due to health care reform. He is passionate and energized to find some workable solutions.”

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Donna Fogle at Ron Desantis' office

5:07 PM – “Our visit to Congressman DeSantis’ office was also a very good one. We spoke with his staff about the pending legislation known as the LIBERTY Bill which addresses the 3:1 risk corridors and the unintended consequences facing older employees in the work force, as well as the staffers personal experience with obtaining coverage on the exchange and the need to obtain guidance from a human.”


2:28 PM – “Just wrapped up a meeting with Sen. Nelsons office where we talked about the need for choice in the small group space and to not require $2000 to be the deductible max. We also talked about the need for the SHOP exchange to be modified if there are to be any small businesses in FL eligible for the small business tax credit.”

Donna Fogle in front of Ander Crenshaw's office

1:30 PM – “Just had a great visit with Congressman Crenshaws office. Discussed the pending  house & senate bills addressing 40 hours is full time as well as the personal challenges his staffers encountered obtaing their own coverage via the new DC Exchange.”

Monday, February 24, 2014


1:50 PM – “Town Hall meeting — talking in depth about the challenges that we all face with healthcare reform, its numerous modifications and the ongoing confusion surrounding it all. ”


10:14 AM – “A candid discussion with NAHU CEO Janet Trautwein and Mila Kofman, Executive Director of the DC Healthlink. So encouraging to hear her acknowledge that agents/brokers are critical to helping people with the countless nuances of the Affordable Care Act. ”


9:43 AM – “It’s a cold rainy day here in DC but more than 700 agents/brokers have congregated to discuss the successes & failures of the rollout of the Affordable Care Act. We hope that the work that we will do here this week will have a positive impact for consumers & business owners in the near future.”