20 of the Most Insightful HR Tweets from #SHRM14
By The Bailey Group Marketing
Published June 25, 2014
HR professionals from all over the world gathered together this week (June 21–25) in Orlando, Florida for SHRM’s Annual Conference and Expo.
With over 200 sessions, HR pros learned from the best and brightest minds in business management & strategy, compensation & benefits, and personal & leadership development.
It used to be if you wanted to get anything out of a conference, you had to be there in-person or buy some expensive DVD with the highlights.
Today that’s changed thanks to the magic of Twitter. I’ve found that personally I can get just as much out of a conference by following the conference’s Twitter hashtag than I would if I were actually there. For those of you not familiar with Twitter, a hashtag (#) allows tweets about the same subject to be grouped together.
I’ve been following the #SHRM14 hashtag closely during the conference and these are, in my opinion, the 20 most insightful tweets to come out of SHRM’s 2014 Conference.
On the Future of Human Resources
There is no more B2B or B2C: It’s Human to Human #H2H #SHRM14 pic.twitter.com/X55o70ny7A — Bryan Kramer (@bryankramer) June 22, 2014
2014: CEO”s Top 10 Global Challenges. 8 of the 10 are related to Human Resources says @LanceJRichards #SHRM14 — IBM SmarterWorkforce (@IBMSmtWorkforce) June 23, 2014
People in good organizations know the what and how of the work. The people in great ones also know WHY. #SHRM14 — Ben Eubanks (@beneubanks) June 23, 2014
The new thing our hyper connected world created is that “average” is officially over says @tomfriedman #SHRM14 pic.twitter.com/1GANQYrD88 — IBM SmarterWorkforce (@IBMSmtWorkforce) June 23, 2014
On Employee Recognition and Engagement
Think you know what motivates workers? Think again. http://t.co/Rwyu32uMN3 #SHRM14 — Globoforce (@Globoforce) June 23, 2014
Make recognition the biggest thing you do. David novak #SHRM14 — Ed Krow (@EdKrowHR) June 24, 2014
RT @JennyJensHR: #HR pros need to learn to think and act like marketers to engage employees in efforts to grow your business #DavidNovak… — Dave Ryan, SPHR (@DaveTheHRCzar) June 24, 2014
#SHRM14: David Novak on #leadership: “Use fun awards like ‘floppy chickens’ and ‘cheese heads’ to break through the clutter.” — Disney Institute (@DisneyInstitute) June 24, 2014
Robin Roberts: U never know what someone is going through. They may be having a REALLY bad day.” Always give them benefit of doubt. #SHRM14 — SHRM We Know Next (@weknownext) June 22, 2014
Employee #recognition doesn’t happen without some type of program you can actually measure. @bobkelleher #SHRM14 #employeeengagement — CareerBuilder (@CBforEmployers) June 24, 2014
On Millennials
“By 2020, 60 percent of the workforce will be millennials.” Lance Richards, Kelly Services, #SHRM14 — HR Executive Mag (@HRExecMag) June 23, 2014
When it comes to #millennials, no news from #managers about their performance is bad news. Communicate often. @BradKarsh #SHRM14 — CareerBuilder (@CBforEmployers) June 24, 2014
Feedback: Not doing something wrong, but could be doing something better. @BradKarsh #SHRM14 — Alicia Jones (@AliciaJJones) June 24, 2014
On Hiring
90% of candidates now are searching your jobs from #mobile devices,are they able to find them? via @willstaney #social #recruiting #SHRM14 — Aliah D. Wright (@1SHRMScribe) June 23, 2014
Employee traits managers admire most: 1 honesty 2 strong work ethics 3 accountability 4 passion 5 teamwork 6 creativity 7 adaptability — Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) June 24, 2014
#SHRM14: Myth: Training is only important for new hires. Truth: Training MUST be consistent and on-going for all: http://t.co/D3VOF016gW — Disney Institute (@DisneyInstitute) June 23, 2014
‘SM should supplement, not supplant , your recruiting channels’ via @Jonathan_HR_Law #shrm14 — Robin Schooling (@RobinSchooling) June 24, 2014
On Using Social Media
When asked who used social media for benefits information no one raised their hand. #shrm14 — Blogging4Jobs (@blogging4jobs) June 23, 2014
The power of #social #SHRM14 #SmarterWorkforce @willstaney http://t.co/e0CDeJA7kz pic.twitter.com/3rnOx34uwZ — Frank Guardi (@FrankGuardi) June 23, 2014
#HR treat social media as a communication tool. Don’t keep trying to shut it down. @JasonLauritsen #Amen !! #SHRM14 — Steve Browne (@sbrownehr) June 24, 2014