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20 of the Most Insightful HR Tweets from #SHRM14

By The Bailey Group Marketing
Published June 25, 2014

140624 - Insightful Tweets from SHRM

HR professionals from all over the world gathered together this week (June 21–25) in Orlando, Florida for SHRM’s Annual Conference and Expo.

With over 200 sessions, HR pros learned from the best and brightest minds in business management & strategy, compensation & benefits, and personal & leadership development.

It used to be if you wanted to get anything out of a conference, you had to be there in-person or buy some expensive DVD with the highlights.

Today that’s changed thanks to the magic of Twitter. I’ve found that personally I can get just as much out of a conference by following the conference’s Twitter hashtag than I would if I were actually there. For those of you not familiar with Twitter, a hashtag (#) allows tweets about the same subject to be grouped together.

I’ve been following the #SHRM14 hashtag closely during the conference and these are, in my opinion, the 20 most insightful tweets to come out of SHRM’s 2014 Conference.

On the Future of Human Resources

On Employee Recognition and Engagement

On Millennials

On Hiring

On Using Social Media