Wellness Initiatives to Promote Weight Management at Work
By Bailey Mullin
Published December 17, 2014

Everyone knows the obesity epidemic is on the rise; in fact, over two-thirds of the population is considered to be overweight or obese. Overweight/obese employees have lower productivity levels, high absenteeism and incur higher health care costs.
By focusing on weight management in the work place employers are able to foster healthy habits; while increasing employee productivity and lowering potential health care expenses. Furthermore, the average adult spends 9 hours a day at work; that’s roughly 55% of their waking hours! Our office’s often become our second home; so it is only logical to focus on fostering healthy habits and establishing weight management skills at work.
Looking for ideas to incorporate weight management initiatives in the work place?? Well, you are in luck. Here are a few ideas:
1. Lunch and Learn
Have you ever heard the saying “abs are made in the kitchen”? The point of this wise saying is that nutrition plays a dominating factor in obtaining and reaching a healthy weight. Lunch and Learning events are a great way to introduce healthy nutrition strategies, provide a healthy lunch AND a fun topic to learn about.
Might I suggest, an informational meeting on the benefits of weight management through Weight Watchers or a local chef that gives a cooking demonstration for a quick healthy weeknight meal? If you haven’t already read our post about 3 Wellness Initiatives to Promote Better Nutrition in the Workplace, please check it out.
Promoting healthy decision making at work is key to managing a healthy weight!
2. Moving Meetings
Let’s face it; in this ever increasing technologically advanced world, our jobs are becoming more and more sedentary. Sometimes trying to find time to move my body seems like a monumental task in and of itself!
Multitask; schedule a walking meeting.
I know what you’re thinking, “Umm, no. This is impossible.” Not every meeting can be a moving one but the ones where you are brainstorming new ideas or discussing less important issues are definitely ones to consider walking and talking. You would be surprised by the increase in creativity! Any movement throughout the day helps!
3. Coordinate Incentive Based Weight-Loss Challenges
Incentive based weight management programs are effective and fun for everyone involved! These programs allow employees to work towards a weight management goal while also striving for monetary incentive.
Bailey Mullin has worked in the Corporate Wellness industry since 2011. Being able to create relationships and watch people take control of their health and experience better quality of life is what she loves about her job. She might or might not have read close to 120 books last year.